Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks Day 25

Day 25: Today I am giving thanks for my dad. Today is his 74Th birthday, so Happy Birthday Dad I love you. You see I was raised by my dad from the time I was 9 years old, he was a single dad raising 2 girls and he did an amazing job. My dad has always been my rock, he loves Jesus and always puts him first in his life. He has been such an example to me and my sisters and he is an awesome grandpa. I grew up a daddy's girl and loved every minute of it. When I was little being with my dad was always the highlight of my life. He gave me my love for sports especially STEELERS Football and when I played sports he was always there cheering me on. He taught me about Jesus along with my grandfather and lived out what he taught me. He is a man of such integrity. When it comes to dads he is the best, So today I say thank you God for my dad and please bless him in a special way on his birthday today. I love you dad.


Anonymous said...

Happy 74th Birthday Dad,
You are so right, Dad you have been my rock, my example and most of all you not only talk the talk but you have always walk the walk.
I love you and wish I could be there with you.
Tammy you are so right he has been a wonderful dad and a special friend. Thank you God for giving us such a amazing Dad and Grand pap to all the grandkids.
I love you more then words can say and miss you even more.
Happy 74th.......you spring chicken.

Lauren said...

What an awesome dad/grandpa!

God's Girl said...

That is such a testimony of God's goodness! ....a wonderful thing to be thankful for!

Robin/Mom/Mimee said...

Your dad was always there for you girls. He was (and still is) proud of you all. What an awesome man to raise you all alone, show you God's love, and I always thought it was so amazing how he put you first holding to his commitment to wait for you to be on your own before he married Diane.