Thursday, October 4, 2007

Serving in ministry

I have this amazing book called "Principles of Leadership for Women" it is very direct and to the point about why do we serve, how do we serve and the results of service. I was looking through it today (I have already read the whole thing) and in the beginning it says "Our position is to be one of a servant" then it says "ministry is a privilege" I must say yes it is. The next statement is "Will I go all the way to Calvary or will I serve as long as I am comfortable" WOW! There is a statement to ponder. Remember God knows your heart so be honest with him. There is so much wonderful stuff in this book it definetly makes you check your heart and motives for serving. At the very end of the book it says "Every day you serve someone's eternity is at stake. Give out the Word. Let Jesus in you increase and you decrease. One day not too far away you will receive the greatest honor that can ever be given to any steward. You will stand in the presence of Almighty God and hear him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord" Now that's a reason to serve." If you feel God calling you into ministry get a copy of this book the author is Gail Mays and read it, it's only 48 pages it will change your life. Even though I love serving and I know I am doing what God has for me to do I still need to re-read this book and keep my heart and motives in check. Just know there is so much joy in serving.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that book great? I love it! What an awesome reminder, too, that we are serving amongst those whose lives are at stake. I needed to be reminded and encouraged of that point. It's all about Jesus, amen?

Erica said...

AMEN! Great post Tammy - I still remember the day you gave me that book. Thanks my friend - I think.