Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First day of school together

Both children had a great day at school today and can't wait to go back tomorrow. They both ended the day on Green yes even Joshua got green today. It was a good day for the kids and a very sad day for their mommy. I cried off and on today and prayed a lot.


tmshafer said...

What cute kiddos! Have a great year!
Love you all....Traci

God's Girl said...

Oh... they are so, so cute!

Aimee- said...

Ahh---I can't imagine having all my babies in school and not at home any more. Praying for you Tammy! Big HUGS!

Way to go Joshua!! Whoo-hoo! Keep up the good work! Now if we can just keep Niccolas on Green this year! :) Have any pointers Josh?