Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Steelers vs Cardinals

Two amazing quarterbacks both fighting for the same goal. I hope when the clock hits 00.00 the Steelers have the most points but if they don't my hat is off to the Cardinals they had a great season. I can't wait to watch the game. I really do want to be the fist team to win 6 Super Bowls. GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Julee Huy said...

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS THAT JUST THE COOLEST THING YOU EVER SAW OR WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony had to teach a class at church and he MISSED IT!! I would have loved to hear him yelling and dancing after that finale!

I turned to my mom and said "can you imagine how HAPPY TAMMY is right now?!!!!!!!!!!"


Blessed said...

Tammy I thought of you when the Steelers won. Personally, I was at Disneyland. :) But I know how much you love the Steelers and I was so happy that your team won! It must have been a fun day for you. :)

My Blessed Life said...

Yes I was very excited. It was a good day in the Millage household. Thanks for thinking about me.